Thursday, February 27, 2025

The Carrot/Prehistoric Invertebrate


I have long thought that whoever came up with those bags of peeled, cut baby carrots was a genius—he basically turned carrots into potato chips.

Most of the carrots look pretty much the same, but recently I found one that looks like something from the Burgess Shale.  (That’s probably because of the weird strands at one end that resemble antennae, or mouthparts, or something.)

Friday, January 31, 2025

Another Hawk


Here is another picture of a Red-shouldered Hawk, a species which I attempted to photograph a few years ago

Tuesday, December 31, 2024

The Year Is Almost Over

The year is almost over, and I feel as if I should write some final post.  But I feel too exhausted to say anything worthwhile.  This time of year always makes me feel exhausted.  Of course, I feel exhausted all year long, but even more exhausted now, maybe due to the lack if light.

It makes me wish that we could all go into hibernation for the winter.  I know that I  have blogged about that before, but I am too exhausted to track down the post to link to it. 

Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Christmas Bird Among the Holly

When I look at this Walgreens Christmas bird, I have to wonder—is its plumage supposed to be plaid?  Or is it wearing a plaid coat that is form-fitted to its wing and tail feathers?

Also, I find it somewhat ironic that the Christmas bird is not considered suitable for children.  So remember, kids, you may admire the Christmas bird from a distance, but do not approach!

Monday, December 23, 2024

Scenes From November

  Cormorants on the pilings . . . 

. . . an airplane in flight . . . 

. . . the Woodrow Wilson Bridge illuminated by the setting sun . . . 

Sunday, December 1, 2024

Blogging for the Year


November is over. 

(When I came up with the idea for this post, I guess that I must have forgotten that November has only thirty days, because I thought that I would be writing on the last day of November, and I would start with “November is almost over.”)

But anyway, November is over.

The political text messages for Breana have (mostly) stopped coming. 

The Halloween decorations have all come down (except for that one house that I drive by occasionally that has had a twelve-foot skeleton in the front yard for over a year). 

And I have reached the point when I realize that I have done pathetically few blog posts for this year, and try to make up for it.  I will probably do that with photos.  I didn’t start this blog to post pictures.  I start it to write.  But I haven’t had time to write much in recent years.

And so I will post pictures, like this tree:

or perhaps the long view of the tree:

Or maybe I will do nothing at all.